
Must have modifications on An Adventure Bike

An adventure bike is quite a versatile bike but it does not fit everyone. If you are taking your vehicle out of its comfort zone then you have to make sure that you are comfortable on it at least. Here are some adventure bike modifications that you must have on your bike.

Bash plate

Make sure your bash plate is sturdy. If your bike does not have mounting points then get them fabricated. Adding a bash plate will save you from some major damage to your oil sump and other crucial components of the vehicle.

Some bikes have bash plates but those are not made of metal to reduce cost. If possible get them replaced before taking your bike offroad. Also, the bash plate saves the engine over wierd speed breakers too.

Baja Light

You won’t be always offroading on your bike. Touring might be the main task that you do on your adventure tourer. Adding Baja lights on your bike makes for good support lights.

Just make sure that the Baja lights have switches. These should be avoided using in the city. Also, make sure that these lights are set at the right level.

Handle Bar Adjustment

Handlebar adjustments are quite useful to make the bike suit your riding style. Adjusting the handlebar will help you gain more control over the way your bike behaves on and off-road

Also adding a riser and a different handlebar will make your bike a bit more usable while standing up and riding. Just do not add cheap handlebars on your bike. These might have a chance of breaking on sharp bumps.

Sprocket change

If your bike does not have a good low-end torque then you should consider changing the sprocket on it. Putting a bigger sprocket will shift the power band slightly lower. Sometimes manufacturers have to meet emission norms and the stock sprocket provided is tuned for those rev bands. Changing them will make your bike feel tighter and lively.

Wind Sheild addons

The stock windshield on an adventure bike might not suit your height. If you face turbulence on your helmet while riding then adding a windshield extender will help.

These come in clip-on units and they can be adjusted to gain a better riding experience. Buffeting on a long ride could cause you to tire out quickly. This simple entender can help quite a lot and is worth investing in.

These are the Adventure bike modifications that we suggest that you make on your vehicle to suit your riding style better. Do let us know what you consider as a Must Have in your list of Adventure bike modifications.

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Published by
Akshat Mehrotra