
Top tips to get your car ready before winter

Now most of us in our country will not face a big issue in winter. In the southern parts of India and even in the middle bit, winter means good weather and pleasant afternoons followed by a cozy night. But for the northern parts of the country, the dip in temperatures can be fatal. When we mean fatal, we also mean the roads. Indian roads are dangerous and people in the border states and the regions that will experience snowfall or low temperature should follow and execute the following suggestions –

Check your tyres

Your tyres are the only thing between you and the car in this environment. The tyres with wear and less tread can mean that your car will more likely fail you in slippery slush and wet roads during winters. The car with better tread will have more traction and will thus be able to grip better on slippery surfaces during winters. Some manufactures also recommend that a car be fitted with winter tyres, and that the AWD or transmission will then change and calibrate itself and the settings to help with the new winter tyre in place.

Check your First Aid Kit

Cars should always be equipped with a first aid kit. All manufactures do provide a basic first aid kit for the car, But in the winters, one must bulk up the first aid kit. Along with the basic first aid kit, one must include a flash light, road flares, a few blankets, a few pairs of gloves, a dry set of clothes for the drivers, some tarpaulin and some high energy snacks like dry fruits and protein bars.

Check your engine coolant and antifreeze levels



Now this really applies to the northern states that will receive heavy snowfall and the temperature will go below freezing, In these regions, antifreeze is your car engine best friend. Antifreeze is the magical substance that keeps your engine from freezing during those times when you feel like you are freezing. Without it, your engine can freeze, leaving you in a real tough spot at a time when it’s dangerous to be stranded.

Check your battery

Cold temperatures mean your engine needs more current from the battery in order to start so you want to make sure the battery is functioning properly.  Start by making sure you have enough charge left in your battery. The most simple way to check is by turning on your headlights before you start your engine. Then turn your engine on – if the lights get brighter your battery may be dying. You can test the actual voltage at home with a voltmeter or have your mechanic do a test for you. Some batteries also have a built-in hydrometer that measures the voltage. You’ll also want to check the cables for cracks and brakes. Finally, ask your mechanic to check the battery fluid.

Check your heater

The heater in a car during winter can make all the difference to the journey and can sometimes be life saving. You do not want to catch pneumonia while driving. Have the heater running and checked before winter. Also have the cars seals, widows and other cracks checked before the winter.

Keep you fuel tank full

Apparently the cold weather can cause condensation to form in an empty or near empty gas tank. That water can drip down into the gas and and sinks to the bottom where it can then travel into your fuel lines. In the winter it can freeze in your fuel lines and block the flow of gas to your engine. Not good! So keep your tank at least half full during winter.

Please do let us know about your winter preparedness and other tips that you think should make this list

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